Author Guidelines
1. The manuscript is written in Bahasa or English; must be typed with the Microsoft Word program (.doc/.docx/.rtf) on A4 paper of around 5000-7000 words using Cambria letters measuring 10,5 pts and single space. The author(s) should use our Manuscript Template.
2. The manuscript must include the title, author's name, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical framework, method, result, discussion, conclusion, and references.
a) The title must be clear and informative; no more than 20 words; capitalized each word and bolded in the middle margin; represents entire contents of the article; and avoid using abbreviations.
b) The name of the author(s) is listed without any academic degree, included the author's institution, and written under the article title. If the manuscript is written by more than one author, the editor will only deal with the main author (whose name is listed in the first place) or corresponding author. The corresponding author must provide an e-mail address.
c) Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (Bahasa and English). The length of each abstract ranges from 100 to 150 words, with 3 to 5 key words. The abstract must contain the article's main objectives and arguments, theoretical perspectives, research methods, and results.
d) The introduction should at least include the background of the study, research question(s), and the main arguments and/or research purposes.
e) The theoretical framework must be outlined in detail.
f) Tables and Figures for review purposes, we recommend placing tables and figures within the text of the manuscript to ease reader comprehension. Ensure that all tables and figures have appropriate titles and everything is properly labelled. Use variable names that are intuitive to readers. Explain all codes, model specification details, and acronyms in table notes. Please report exact p-values for results or confidence intervals, when applicable.
g) The method includes research design, and techniques of data collection and analysis.
h) The research results contain detailed explanations of the research findings.
i) The discussion must answer the research question(s).
j) The conclusion must summarize the research findings and provides recommendation whenever appropriate.
k) It is recommended that at least 70 percent of references are published in the last 10 years. It is also recommended that at least 60 percent of references are source from internationally reputable journals (indexed by SCOPUS/Web of Science/Thompson Routers).
l) Please use APA Style 7th edition for citation techniques. It is recommended using Mendeley for standardizing your references.