Peer Review Process
Manuscripts that have been submitted to Jurnal Pariwisata dan Perhotelan will be selected and assessed by the Editorial Board concerning whether the manuscript is suitable to the writing instructions, and the focus and scope of PJPP. If it is not corresponding with the authorship instructions, the manuscript will be returned directly to the author for revision and re-adjusted to the existing provisions. However, if the contents in the manuscript are not corresponding to the focus and scope of PJPP, the manuscript will be immediately rejected and not continued at the next review stage by the Editorial Board.
After the authors revise the manuscript and suitable with the PJPP authorship instructions, the manuscript will be continued to the peer-review process. PJPP employs a double-blind peer review, in which both author(s) and reviewers identities are concealed from each other. At this stage, the manuscript will be distributed to two reviewers who are experts in the field of science relevant to the contents of the substance of the manuscript. This process will take around 3-4 weeks from the submission of the manuscript to the reviewers. The results of this peer review process will be divided into 4 decision categories, including:
1. Manuscript accepted without any revision of the substance of the manuscript.
2. Manuscript accepted with minor revisions: Reviewers will provide comments on the results of his review and then revised again by the author. Manuscripts that will be reconsidered for publication purposes if the author revises the manuscript following the reviewers' comments, has been declared to be re-accepted by reviewers and sends revision results before the deadline determined by the Editor's Board.
3. Manuscript accepted with major revisions: Reviewers will provide the results of his review in the form of comments related to the core parts of the substance of the manuscript, as in the data analysis section, and the theory used. Manuscripts that will be reconsidered for publication purposes if the author revises the manuscript following the reviewers' comments, has been declared to be re-accepted by reviewers and sends revision results before the deadline determined by the Editor's Board.
4. Manuscript rejected: Reviewers do not recommend texts for further consideration for publication purposes.
It should be emphasized here that the decision of the reviewers will greatly influence the decision of the Editorial Board to determine whether the text is suitable for publication or not. Manuscripts that have been declared accepted for publication by the Editorial Board will be reconfirmed to the author to ensure the author's identity is correct and at the same time request confirmation of his willingness to be published on PJPP.