Focus & Scope
Jurnal Pariwisata dan Perhotelan focuses on main area of discussions. The focus and scope of Jurnal Pariwisata dan Perhotelan include:
Tourist Motivation and Behavior: Studying factors influencing the motivation and behavior of tourists, such as destination preferences, travel reasons, and purchasing decisions.
Destination Management: Investigating strategies for the development, promotion, and management of tourist destinations to enhance attractiveness and sustainability.
Economic Impact: Analyzing the economic impact of tourism at the local, regional, and national levels, including contributions to GDP and employment.
Tourism Marketing and Promotion: Examining marketing, branding, and promotional strategies for tourist destinations to attract visitors.
Culture and Society: Studying the influence of tourism on culture, local communities, and social issues such as social change and cultural identity.
Hotel Management: Analyzing operational, strategic, and financial aspects of hotel industry management.
Hotel Marketing: Studying marketing and promotional strategies for hotels to increase room occupancy and profitability.
Hotel Sustainability: Investigating sustainability practices in hotel operations, including energy efficiency, waste management, and green policies.
Hotel Supply Chain Management: Analyzing supply chain management aspects in providing hotel services.
Industry Development: Exploring the latest trends and developments in the hotel industry, such as new hospitality concepts, acquisitions, and brand growth.