About the Journal

Jurnal Kebijakan Kehutanan is an academic publication that focuses on analysis, research, and discussion of critical issues in forestry policy. This journal aims to present significant scientific contributions related to forest resource management, ecosystem preservation, environmental balance, and the impact of policies on local and global communities.

With a focus on forestry policy, this journal covers a variety of topics, including forest use regulations, sustainability of natural resources, the impact of climate change on forests, and the role of forests in mitigating natural disasters. Critical articulation and analysis in the context of forest policy form the basis of this journal, enabling readers to gain in-depth insight into the challenges and opportunities related to forest management.

Jurnal Kebijakan kehutanan provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share knowledge, innovative ideas, and the latest findings that can enrich our understanding of the complex interactions between humans and forests and the influence of policy on the sustainability of forest ecosystems.