Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of a visual communication design journal usually reflect the study area that is intended to be researched and presented in the journal. The following is an example of the focus and scope of a visual communication design journal:

Focus: This journal focuses on creative, theoretical, and practical aspects of the field of visual communication design. The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to, various design elements such as typography, color, illustration, photography, and the use of digital media in the context of visual communication.


  1. Graphic Design: Investigates the principles of graphic design, including layout, composition, and selection of graphic elements to achieve communicative goals
  2. Typography: Consider the role of typography in conveying a visual message, including font selection, size, and text arrangement.
  3. Illustration and Photography: Explores the use of illustration and photography in visual communication design, and their impact on the perception and understanding of messages.
  4. Branding and Visual Identity: Discusses design strategies for building a strong brand identity through visual elements, logos, and related visual communications
  5. Digital Media in Design: Examines the use of technology and digital media in the context of visual communication design, including web design, animation, and interactivity.
  6. Influence of Culture and Social Context: Understand how aspects of culture and social context influence visual communication design, as well as how design can respond to and contribute to social change.
  7. Applied Research in Visual Communication Design: Encourages practice-oriented research, with a focus on the application of visual communication design in a variety of industrial and societal contexts.
  8. Ethics in Design: Discusses ethical issues related to visual communication design, including responsibility for diversity, inclusivity, and environmental impact.

This journal welcomes contributions from researchers, practitioners, and academics to share knowledge and experience in developing and understanding the field of visual communication design.