Manuscript Preparation
1. Title:
- Choose a title that reflects the content and purpose of the research.
- Use clear and precise Indonesian language.
2. Authors:
- List the full names of all authors with institutional affiliation.
- Identify correspondent authors with a contact email address.
3. Abstract and Keywords:
- Write a brief abstract (150-250 words, Palatino Linotype 9pt) summarizing the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Include relevant keywords (3-5 keywords) that reflect the content of the manuscript.
4. Introduction:
The introduction should clearly describe the background of the research. It also defines the novelty of the research. In the Introduction, the Author should state the objective of the work/research at the end of the introduction section. Before the objective, Authors should provide adequate background (maximum 1 paragraph), and a very brief literature survey/review to record existing solutions/methods, to show which is the best of previous studies, to show the main limitations of previous studies, to show what you want to achieve (to overcome limitations), and to show the scientific merit or novelty of the paper (Palatino Linotype 12pt).
5. Research Methods:
- Describe the research design, population, and data collection techniques.
- Describe the tools, procedures, and data analysis used.
6. Results and Discussion:
- Clearly present the results of the study, including data, tables, and figures.
- Avoid interpretation in this section; focus on presenting the facts.
7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main results of the study and suggestions for further development.
- Do not introduce new information in this section.
8. Bibliography:
- List all references used in the research according to APA Style format.
- Ensure compatibility between the bibliography and in-text citations.
Follow the journal's submission instructions carefully, and prepare the manuscript according to the template provided.
By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your manuscript being accepted by Journal of Desain Komunikasi Visual