Author Guidelines
When submitting article, a writer should pay attention to the following:
- Articles according to the specified focus and scope.
- The original article is not currently or has been published
- The manuscript does not contain any plagiarism element. The editorial board will directly reject the text that indicates plagiarism. We use plagiarism software to check your manuscript.
- The article is sent in Ms.Word format with the following conditions:
- A4 paper (21 cm x 21,7cm) with the page margin; Left (1,27 cm), top (2,5 cm), Right (1,27 cm), and bottom (1,9 cm).
- The number of script pages between 7-10 pages.
- The words from uncommon or foreign languages are stated in Italic format
- Palatino Linotype theme font, 12pt font size, and 1 line-spacing.
- Round 6,000-7,000 words including figures, tables and references.
- The subtitles included in the discussion part (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) should not be numbered. The subtitles are written in the bold and title case format. It uses the left text alignment without an underline. The next expanded subtitles should be written in the bold and sentence case format, It should use the left text alignment and the numbering format level two.
- Each picture must be given a caption and source (Figure Caption) below the picture and be numbered in Arabic numbering format followed by the picture title.
- Each table must be given a table title (Table Caption) and numbered in Arabic numbering format above the table followed by the table title and source below the table.
- Articles are written with the following regulations :
- Title
- The article title should be written within twelve words
- 18pt-sized font, with the bold selection and in the justify text format. - Author Name
- Palatino Linotype 10, 1 space
- No academic title - Author Correspondence
- Palatino Linotype 8, 1 space
- Contains email address of correspondence author - Affiliated author’s address
- Palatino Linotype 8, 1 space
- Contains the name of the institution / organization / workplace / country/ author’s place of study . - Abstract ((Palatino Linotype 9 and bold)
- Contents (Palatino Linotype 9; 1 space).
- The abstract consists of one short paragraph explaining the purpose, background of the problem, the research method, and the results of the study. Use a maximum of 250 words. So that quotations are not included in the abstract. paper components have been published [title, text, head, etc.] in the style sheet. Article abstract is written in English. Do not use symbols, special characters, or math in paper title or abstract. avoid abbreviation. - Keyword (Palatino Linotype 9 and bold)
- Their contents (Palatino Linotype 9)
- Keywords are written in English; with a number of 3-5 keywords. Keywords relevant to the research presented in the manuscript. For example, medical record; electronic health record. - Introduction ((Palatino Linotype 10 and bold)
- Contents (Palatino Linotype 10 and 1,15 spaces).
- In the introduction, it is written without using subtitles, which contains clear background, basic concepts or theories related to the research problem, important literature reviews and relevant research results, does not use literature that is more than 10 years old, at the end of the introduction the aim is also written. - Results and Discussion (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold)
- Contents (Palatino Linotype 10 and 1,15 spaces).
- The discussion section is the most important part of the research article. Therefore, researchers must be able to interpret research findings, relate research findings to knowledge structures that have been tested, and be able to come up with new theories or be able to modify existing theories. In the results and discussion, researchers can also compare them with other publications that contain similar research results, and include a study of the similarities and differences between the two. - Conclusion (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold)
- Contents (Palatino Linotype 12; 1,5 spaces).
- Conclusions present answers to the hypothesis or objectives of the research carried out. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results and discussion, but is more focused on a summary of the findings as expected in the hypothesis or research objectives. Conclusions are written in narrative form, not in numerical/numbering form. - References (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold)
- Contents (Palatino Linotype 10; 1 spaces)
- All reference sources used in writing the article text must be listed in the bibliography section. Bibliographies must contain reference literature originating from primary sources in the form of scientific journals, amounting to at least 80% of all bibliographies published in the last 5 years and 20% are secondary sources originating from books. Writing reference systems in article texts and writing bibliographies should use reference management application programs such as Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager or Zotero. Writing references using the model system from APA (American Psychological Association).
Conditions of writing style above have been imposed in the template Indonesian Jurnal Ilmu Arkeologi Indonesia.